Montag, 14. September 2009

Strasser wins Austrian Aerobatic Championship 09

Patrick wins Austrian Championship with incredible performances." There was a lot of pressure on me for this contest and now it`s a fantastic feeling to be the winner of the first powered aerobatic championship in Austria since 16 years. Thanks to all of my supporters".

Airshow Timmersdorf

Airshow at Patricks homebase Timmersdorf! Main attraction after his performance. "It´s amazing to fly an airshow at home for the people which are always on my side", Patrick said after his outstanding flight. Tomorrow next championship starts at Spitzerberg, the Austrian Nationals. Keep your fingers crossed and check the results at

Montag, 7. September 2009

Wings for Life Charity Auction

Your chance to become a special ride with Patrick in his Extra 300. More infos on